Saturday, February 7, 2009

Winter weather in Kansas is for the Birds!

Out my front door!
As I was sitting inside, I kept hearing strange noises on the roof and outside.
When I looked out, this is what I found:


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're posting! That is really really weird. Large flocks of birds like that scare me. Like they're banding together and could take over at any moment. I wonder if some little underground grubs were poking their heads out in the warm weather, and it drew the birds?

Cathee said...

Wow! I actually saw a bunch of birds like that on the big playground at work, we were inside and as I glanced out the window I yelled "wow, look at all those birds," the kids were impressed when they all flew away together. I think I was in AK or BL.
Have you ever seen the old movie "The Birds," it was supposed to be scary, but I thought it was rather funny myself. :)