Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Memorial Day! May 26, 2008

How do we celebrate Memorial Day? Many people visit certain veteran memorials, and many people visit the grave site of loved ones.
We did neither.
Ben mentioned going to the Liberty Memorial downtown, but Dave and I thought there would be way too many people down there as they were having a ceremony, remembering all the veterans of all the wars. They even had one veteran attend that fought in World War I! He is 107 years old!
We didn't visit any grave sites, since I am unsure of where in the cemetery my grandparents and great grandparents are located.


We made memorial day a day for us to remember in the future!
It was a rainy day, so outdoor activities were not an option. We had to be creative! The kids love to build forts with the couch cushions and blankets, and hardly ever get to, so, this was the day!

Sydney and I built the fort while Dave and Ben prepared the grill and 'hamburgers ranchero'! After the fort was complete we all helped to prepare a complete lunch. Burgers, hot dogs, cucumbers with ranch dressing, chips and cantaloupe. Then we ate our lunch in the fort!

Here are some captured moments!

The Fort ~ The aerial view (from the kitchen)

The Fort ~ The land view

Food Preparation

Grilling in the sprinkling rain!

Burgers Ranchero ~ Hamburgers with onions, oregano, salt and pepper mixed in; cheese melted on top; add salsa and serve on a warm tortilla. Yum!

Dining in the Fort!

Our little outing~ The Bass Pro Shop

Since it stopped raining, the kids enjoyed some sidewalk chalk!
Ben created a landscape picture of the ocean. Complete with boats, waves, sharks, and, surfers.

Sydney drew a picture of herself and Ben, and labeled it.

At the end of a long and memorable day, we had very long shadows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun Memorial Day! I love the pics you posted!
Just want you to know I'm praying for you as you are in Thailand. I'm glad you posted names and pictures...Hope you are having a wonderful time...and will be eager to hear any new insights and lessons you learned when you return! HUGS! Michelle