Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Run For Mercy 5K - April 19, 2008

Warming up!

Schaun Colin, our Missions Pastor at Westside Family Church established Oceans of Mercy in South Africa (http://www.oceansofmercy.com/) several years ago. Since then, there have been Run For Mercy 5K/10K Walk-Runs in our city. This year, I decided to sign up to (hopefully) run the 5K!! I figured that if I couldn't go to South Africa with our church mission trip, I could at least contribute to the cause by joining the run! So, here are some pics of me in training! Ben and Sydney enjoyed taking pictures of me!

Feeling good!

So far, I am jogging/walking 3.1 miles in about 45 minutes! I'm trying to get down to 30-35 minutes!?! We'll see!

1 comment:

Cathee said...

Go Mindy, GO!!!!At this rate you're going to be going a lot faster than even 3 miles in 30 minutes by April.

What a great cause. I remember really being touched by that girls story who was in the orphanage in South Africa.